AR powered game changer for Service Delivery at ServiceNow’s Knowledge 2021

At Knowledge 2021, ServiceNow’s flagship 2 week digital experience, May 11-20, 2021, CareAR showcased how its augmented reality (AR) visual support platform will catalyze digital transformation across service organizations.

“CareAR is a game changer,” said Deloitte’s Asish Ramchandran, Global Growth and Technical Leader. “It’s all about that customer experience and getting the unexpected which is way better than what they think they will get.” Asish shined the spotlight on how CareAR is delivering results in the Augmented Reality for Xerox Field Service Support video created by Deloitte, with Mary McHugh, Chief Delivery and Supply Chain Officer at Xerox.

Mary noted how CareAR delivers “incredible 2-way clarity” for remote support to fundamentally change service delivery with AR visualization. New opportunities are being realized within Xerox by leveraging CareAR to the many Xerox service professionals widely distributed across many regions.

In the Customer Workflows Keynote session, ServiceNow’s GM & SVP of Customer Workflows, John Ball was joined by CareAR’s Sam Waicberg, GM of Xerox Digital Services. John pointed out the frustrations of manual support tasks by claiming, “The customer operations layer is actually MORE important than customer Engagement layer.” Having CareAR integrated into the ServiceNow platform optimizes operational results and streamlines the service workflow.

Sam Waicberg amplified John’s operational efficiency value point with a key challenge faced by most service delivery professionals.

Across several industries we continue to see two trends:

  • A significant percentage of field techs are scheduled to retire in the next few years and when they leave, they take valuable knowledge and experience with them.
  • Customers are wanting technical products in more remote locations, requiring broad technical expertise to be distributed across.

CareAR can fill the experience gap for both trends.

The CareAR platform augments intelligence for the field resources to help overcome many of these concerns. CareAR enables expert guidance with live “see-what-I-see” video through any common mobile device or smart glasses. Additionally, it supports the ability for the remote expert to provide contextual guidance, via AR annotation, to the exact equipment or process situation being troubleshooted. Content with context is critical for achieving operational benefits

Contextual engagement with innovative AR circles back to John Ball’s customer reference to manual processes resulting in customer frustrations. Field Service New Research has shown that 83% of organizations rely in some way on the telephone for support and that “these capabilities remain relatively rudimentary.”

Sam highlighted that CareAR’s 3D instructional content is far beyond manual or rudimentary. A field tech can now connect with a remote expert anywhere, essentially on-demand. Now you have an innovative new process that changes the game for the employee experience as well as for the customer experience.

John emphasized that field techs are at the heart of the relationship with the customer. “Have you had any feedback on what the new experience is like?” Sam responded that “They love it.” Our goal is to deflect dispatches, encourage faster resolution, drive significant cost savings and on top of it all minimize your carbon footprint.

In the Augmented Reality for ServiceNow, Delivering Smarter Enterprise Support session, CareAR’s Kevin Summers and Ami Barzelay added the perspective on how CareAR works seamlessly with ServiceNow. Kevin noted that CareAR is certified for ServiceNow’s FSM, CSM and ITSM solutions. Ami demoed how CareAR is integrated with ServiceNow. He showcased how to access CareAR in 1-click within ServiceNow to start a session, how to save your session directly into a ticket and how easy it is to select the right expert or multiple experts to assist for remote guidance.

Especially notable was Ami’s annotated guidance examples. He demonstrated real-time graphical expert direction using AR tools such as circles, arrows and freehand drawings that remain anchored to their intended spot over live video. Most other AR solutions require pause and resume video to annotate on a still frame. Being able to assess the issue in real-time becomes the foundation for a Service Experience Management solution that enhances the customer and employee experience.

Digital workflows and process automations were themes discussed in several Knowledge 2021 sessions. The CareAR sessions were thematically aligned, noting proof points that shift manual processes to digital leveraging AR to deliver efficiency AND effectiveness for support services.

Check out all the content CareAR showcased in its Knowledge 2021 virtual booth right here on the CareAR website. View CareAR Knowledge 2021 content now!

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