CareAR Weaves a ‘Fabric for the Future’ at International Conference

Visitors Experience AI, AR, and Digital Twin Combined with 5G Connecting and Edge Computing

On August 31 and September 1, CareAR participated at Telstra Vantage in Sydney, Australia. Telstra Vantage is Telstra’s largest business customer event of the year, with about 3,000 enterprises, small- to medium-size businesses, and partners attending to hear their vision and experience the latest innovations.

CareAR had three out of six demonstrations featured in the “Fabric for the Future” innovation showcase for promoting future innovations that leverage 5G and Edge Computing. CareAR’s Service Experience Management (SXM) platform solutions were on full display, showing how a 3D digital twin of a John Deere tractor in augmented reality (AR) can aid self-service and enhance the customer and employee experiences. Paired with CareAR’s Assist and Instruct solutions, companies can move from reactive to proactive self-solve capabilities.

The team demonstrated how these CareAR applications provide instant real-time visual guidance and instructional content through smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices that enable enterprises to leverage augmented reality (AR) to drive efficiencies, such as lower resolution times, reduced customer downtime, and improved customer outcomes. The demos included:

  • Field Workforce Reimagined – showed off CareAR’s 3D digital twin of a John Deere tractor with remote AR assist
  • Digitally Enhanced Workplace and Consumer Services – demonstrated CareAR’s self-service guidance for unboxing and setup of a Telstra Router / 5G Mobile Gateway using AR overlay instructions via tablet, as well as CareAR’s integrations with Lenovo 3D smart glasses and ServiceNow workflow
  • Drone Support for Remote Inspection and Surveillance – demonstrated CareAR providing a remote AR assist multi-party experience with integrated AR drone support for faster and more effective troubleshooting

The demos showed how 5G and Edge Computing can leverage CareAR solutions to provide a greater experience to customers via increased connectivity with less latency. The feedback from customers, partners, and Telstra executives was extremely positive.

“Congratulations on your Augmented Reality/AI solutions – very impressive.”
– Vicki Brady, CEO, Telstra

Telstra Vantage has been another amazing event for CareAR. We thrive to create a world where human intelligence and information are augmented to access expertise in seconds, with artificial intelligence and content that is delivered on demand and with context, across devices from desktop to drones to support any situation, anywhere.

Looking for more information? You can check out all the content CareAR Assist and CareAR Instruct showcased at Telstra Vantage right here on our website. Learn how our enterprise solutions help to make experts accessible, reduce operational costs, enhance safety, enable self-solve, and improve sustainability.

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