Create Work Instructions with CareAR Experience Builder

Create powerful and visually stunning work instructions with ease. With no code, users can create AI-powered work instructions with interactive 3D models and augmented reality (AR) empowering your workforce with clear, step-by-step guidance for any task.

Build Publish Experience

Create Work Instructions to Support Customers and Workers


Empower customers and technicians, enhance worker accuracy, and streamline workflows. Build interactive guides with AI object detection for independent task completion and seamless data capture to CRM, FSM. and similar systems.

create work instructions for field workers with Experience Builder

Empower Customer Self-Service

Enable customers to troubleshoot and complete tasks independently with clear, visual work instructions.

Enhance Worker Effectiveness

Build AI-powered work instructions with object detection, guiding workers through tasks for improved accuracy and efficiency.

Accelerate New Hire Onboarding

Equip new hires with interactive guides for faster learning and independent task completion.

Automate Workflow Processes

Streamline workflows with interactive guides. Integrate data capture for seamless transfer to CRM, FSM and similar systems.
create work instructions for field workers with Experience Builder

How CareAR Experience Builder Works


Experience Builder is a web-based tool that enables rapid self-solve visual guidance content creation with drag-and-drop ease of use.

  • Create Pages

  • Integrate Content

  • Create Workflows

  • Preview and Publish

  • Experience Your Instructions

Publish Your Experiences to CareAR Instruct


Using CareAR Instruct on a smartphone or tablet, field workers or customers can engage with the content and workflows created with Experience Builder.

self-solve instructions for machine maintence with object detection
self-solve unboxing instructions with CareAR Instruct
Intelligent search in self-solve digital work instructions

Supercharge Your Customer Service and Field Service Teams


CareAR Experience Builder makes it easy for anyone to create work instructions with advanced capabilities such as object and state detection. Save time with generative AI, intelligent search, data collection, and analytics.


Custom Workflows


Collect Data


Machine Learning


Object Detection


Custom Workflows


Collect Data


Machine Learning


Object Detection


AI-powered Search


Instantly Publish




Generative AI

An Array of Modules to Create Work Instructions Such as Gen-AI, AR, 3D Models, and Forms


The only limit is your imagination when creating work instructions. Choose from our diverse selection of content types when designing your experiences for enhanced clarity and user understanding.

3D model


Utilize interactive 3D models for a comprehensive exploration of product features and functionalities. This allows users to examine complex assemblies and consumer goods in detail from any angle.
AR icon


Access interactive 3D models directly in your workspace through Augmented Reality (AR). This enables a real-world visualization of products, aiding consumer decision-making and technician servicing.
icon image


Integrate clear, high-resolution images for enhanced clarity and visual guidance within work instructions. This simplifies comprehension and increases user engagement.
icon video


Include step-by-step video demonstrations within work instructions for improved understanding and knowledge retention.
icon forms


Leverage digital forms to streamline data collection and feedback for both customer service and field service operations.
icon text


Streamline instruction creation with a user-friendly text editor. This intuitive interface allows for effortless formatting and editing, ensuring clear and concise communication.
icon search


Leverage advanced search powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) for intuitive knowledge retrieval. Users can seamlessly discover relevant information within the existing knowledge base.
icon button


Craft personalized workflows for even the most intricate processes with our user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for customizable navigation.
icon iframe


Integrate external web applications seamlessly into work instructions using iframes. This enables access to advanced functionalities without leaving the experience.
icon camera

Camera Capture

Integrate in-line camera capture for work instructions, enabling photo documentation of completed tasks, product defects, inspections, and site surveys.
icon object detection

Object Detection

Utilize AI-powered object and state detection to automate verification of completed steps, identify parts and equipment, and validate safety procedures within work instructions.
Generative AI icon

Generative AI

Save time and cost by generating your own images with our new generative AI feature. Create unique images specific to your business needs without leaving the builder.